Sunday, December 31, 2006

Howdy Yall ~~!! 八ロー♪

Hi Yall !! I'm in Kentucky visiting Amanda's parents. We had a great time, here! It's quite a coutry side and thire house & garden is huge!! The air is so nice & clean and the water is delisious!! Miyu

ハロー!お友達Amandaのママ&パパのお家に遊びに、ケンタッキー州に来てます!とっても田舎の方でお庭がすっごく広いんだよおお。。空気もお水もおいしくって最高♪ 未愉

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Uncle Randle & Auntie Wanda! RandleおじちゃんとWandaおばちゃん☆

I love Uncle Randle & Auntie Wanda! They treated me like I were a princess.
They letted me eat lots of goodies, played with me and even rocked me to sleep.
Love, Miyu

Randle おじさん&Wandaおばさん、だーいすき!私をまるでお姫様の用に大切にしてくれたの。おいしいものいっぱい食べさせてくれたり、遊んでくれたり寝かせてもくれたの。未愉

Good Job! よくできましたー!

I can now go down from the couch by myself!! Good job to Myself!! Love,Miyu

ソファーから自分で降りれるようになったの!すごいでしょお~! 未愉

Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Lights! クリスマスイルミネーション☆★

We went to see Christmas Lights, too. So beautiful!! Love, Miyu

クリスマスイルミネーションも見に行ったの。とってもきれいだったあ♪ 未愉

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas !!!  メリークリスマス!!

Merry Christmas to you all! Have a joyful & warm holidays! Love, Miyu

メリークリスマス!楽しく、あったかーいホーリデーを過ごしてねっ! 未愉

Friday, December 22, 2006

Margarita with Mia? Miaちゃんとマルガリータを?!

Wow.. I can drink this yummy looking cocktail if I share it with Mia-chan?
Sounds good!!! Love, Miyu

わあーい、このおいしそうなカクテルをMiaちゃんと分けっこすれば飲んでいいって?ラッキ~~! 未愉

Monday, December 18, 2006

We're still working out in the morning! 毎朝ちゃんと運動してるんだよっ♪

It's been cold in the morning, but mama & I are still working out next to the beach!! Love, Miyu

最近、朝はとっても寒いけどママも私もちゃんと海沿いを運動してるんだよお♪ 未愉

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happy B-day, Amanda! Amandaお誕生日おめでとう♪

I took Amanda to Aimee's Bistro (French Restaurant) for her belated b-day!
Boy.. we ate sooooooooo much! We spent almost 2 hrs to finish our meals. Check out my tummy! I think that I ate the MOST! Love, Miyu

お誕生日を祝う為にAmandaをAimee's Bistro (フランス料理)に連れて行ってあげたの!すっごーーーーーいいっぱい食べたの!2時間かけてのお食事だったんだよ。
私の食後のお腹みてー!多分、私が一番よく食べたに違いない☆ 未愉

Christmas Illuminations!! イルミネーション★☆

The last year, I was in the car...(probably sleeping...?), and this year I got to see beautiful lights. I was overwhelmed!!
Love, Miyu

去年、私は車の中から見た(多分寝てたかも?)けど、今年はきれいなイルミネーションちゃんとお外に出てみたよおお!圧倒しちゃったよ。。。 未愉

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our Tiny Christmas Trees! ちっさなクリスマスツリー☆

Since I move around too much, we've got small trees this year!
One in the living room and one in my room. Love, Miyu

一つは、リビングのでもう一つのは未愉のお部屋の☆ 未愉

My Best Friend!! 私の親友♪

I love playing/chatting with Angel!! She is my 1st best friend!!! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holiday Picnic! クリスマスピクニック★

It was such a cold day, but I had so much fun!! Hehehe.. I even took my new toy that I got for my b-day with me! Look, everyone loved to play with my new toy! I did share it with them:)!
Love, Miyu


Saturday, December 09, 2006

After Party !  2次会♪

Thanks to John & Saeko-chan, we went to their house for more fun after my b-day party! At their place, I had another fun time! Wow... Viggo gave me a b-day HOT kisses too!! Love, Miyu

John&さえこちゃんのお家でお誕生会の後また2次会楽しみましたっ!えへっ、Viggoにお誕生日のあつ~いキスされちゃった☆★ 未愉

My Birthday Party!  お誕生日会☆