Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Can I borrow your camera? カメラ貸してっ!

Can I borrow your camera? I wanna take some pictures, too!!
Love, Miyu


Monday, January 29, 2007

I can play alone!  一人でもあそべるよっ☆

I can play alone when mom is busy cleaning/cooking! I can dance with music, play piano, read a book, play with Angel!! Love, Miyu


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hug! ギュっとハグ!

This is my way of hugging! I'm hugging my tigger! Love, Miyu


Miyu taking Steps!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

1, 2, 3!!! イチ、ニー、サンッ♪

I was gonna stand up,,, but then found a tiny rock that I wanted to check out!! Now, I'm ready to walk! Love, Miyu


Sunday, January 21, 2007

My walker turned into a scoter! 歩行器がバイクに変身☆

Check this out! I'm on my scoter now! I guess I don't need walker much as I'm pretty much walking by own now! Love, Miyu


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy B-day, Mia! ミアちゃん、お誕生日おめでとう♪

Thanks for inviting me to your b-day party! It was fun, and I'm glad that you got many presents and yummy cake! Love, Miyu

お誕生日会招待してくれてありがとー☆ とっても楽しかったよ。ミアちゃんもたくさんプレゼントもらえたしおいしいケーキ食べれてよかったね!未愉

More Cake? ケーキまだあるの??

More cake? Where? Yeah, that's one! Please.... moma said "no more!", but papa gave me a little!! Hehehe.. Love, Miyu


Mia fed me her b-day cake? みあちゃんにアーンしてもらったの!

Mia was having blast digging into her b-day cake! and.. she was so sweet that she shared it with me!! I loved it so much!
Love, Miyu


Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm taking steps!  歩き始め☆

Lately, I'm taking steps. 2, 3 steps, and 6 steps and up to 14 steps!! but.. not quite ready for walking without yet... hehehe
Love, Miyu


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Playing at the Park! 公園で遊んだの!

It was such a cold day, but can't miss my playtime at the park! I need to get out at least once a day!! Love, Miyu

今日はとっても寒かったけど、公園遊びはミスできないよ!一日一度はお外で遊ばなきゃ☆ 未愉

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A sleep lunch ! ランチ中にお昼ね♪

I guess that I felt asleep during my lunch time..... , and it was the first time ever I felt asleep in my chair. Well, I was so tired as I didn't take any nap in the morning since I got up at 7 am. Love, Miyu

お昼ごはん中に眠ってしまったの!台所のいすで寝たの初めてだったの。。。だって、朝7時に起きてから一度もお昼ねしなかったんだもんっ☆ 未愉