Monday, May 28, 2007

The Hermosa Fiesta!

Went to the Hermosa Beach for Fiesta! Didn't do much, but played at the park next to the beach:) with Seb! Love, Miyu


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Coming back to the Aquarium! またまた水族館☆

Hahaha.. this is probably my 5th visit to the Aquairum. This time, I played with wild bird and water toys!! Love, Miyu

ははは。。。またまた水族館へ。これでもう5回目なの。今度は、鳥さんと遊んだりお水飛ばしてあそんだよっ! 未愉

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dinosaur Ride w/ Bella! Bellaと一緒に恐竜パッカパッカ!

We had so much funbouncing and finally....flew & felt down backwords.... ( Of course we didn't cry! )
Love, Miyu

お馬さんでなく、恐竜に乗ってパッカパカしたの。勢いよく動かしてたら飛んで後ろに転落。。。(もちろん、二人とも泣かなかったよおお) 未愉

Friday, May 25, 2007

An Aquairum Visit with Bella & Coen! Bella とCoenと水族館へ!

Here I am at the aquarium again with Bella & Coen! Boy.. I got soaking wet by touching fishes (or just splashing water)!! Hehehe Love, Miyu
またまた、水族館へ。今度はBellaとCoenと一緒に♪お魚さん触って(お水をバシャx2して)びっしょびしょになったの(笑) 未愉

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hello, Bella! もしもーし、Bella♪

Hello, Hello....! We all love to play with the phone:) I can now say "Bella"! (Mama & Papa love how I'm saying lots of new words:) )Love, Miyu

もしもーし!私達みんな電話で遊ぶのだーいすきっ!Bellaって言えるようになったんだあ。(ママもパパも未愉の言葉がどんどん増えていくの見てて嬉しそう!) 未愉

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wanda & Randle's visit! Wanda とRandleと☆

We had a blast! Thank you so much for visiting me all the way from Kentukey.
See you very soon!!! Love, Miyu

Sunday, May 20, 2007

An Aquarium Visit with Papa! パパと一緒に水族館へ☆

It was fun pulling Sea Lion's atention! Check this a huge fish! Looks so heavy:) Love, Miyu

アシカさんと”こっちおいでー!”って呼びながら遊ぶのが楽しかったなああ♪ 見てーこの大きなお魚さん。重たそうっ☆  未愉

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Jump time with Bella!  Bellaちゃんと一緒にジャンプ!

I got to go to Bella's house for potluck party today!! We were jumping on her crib! Look at my funny lips! hehehehe Love, Miyu

今日、ランチパーテイがあったからBella のお家に行ったの。これは彼女のベビーベットで飛び跳ねて遊んでる所。私変な口してるでしょ。。。ははは 未愉

Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Bye, Japan>_< さよなら、日本!!

This photo was taken by O-Pa. (Grandpa).
We were having lunch at the airport... and soon after we had to say bye to Ya-tan (Grandma) and O-Pa (Grandpa). I had such a blast in Japan! I look forward to the next time. Love you both! Of course, love great grand parents, Nana, as well as uncle Mako!

この写真はオーパが撮ってくれたの。空港での昼食の時ので、この後すぐにバイバイしなきゃいけなかったの。本当、日本での時間楽しかったよ!次回も楽しみにしてまーす!大好きだよ、オーパ、ヤータン!!そして、ひいおじい&おばあちゃん、ななちん、まこおじさん♪ 未愉

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fun Dinner with Fumi! 芙未ちゃんと夕食♪

I had the best dinner time with Fumi! After a long day, we both had such a relaxed & fun dinner together! Fumi was kind enough to share her pasta since I liked it more than what mama gave to me from her plate, hehehe. I'll miss Fumi....>_<>
とっても楽しい夕食だったよー。ながーい一日の後ゆっくりくつろいでたくさん笑って食べた夕食は最高だったよ♪ 芙未ちゃん優しいからいっぱいご飯わけてくれたの!実はね、ママのより、芙未ちゃんがオーダーした方がおいちかったんだあ☆ 芙未ちゃんに会えなくなるの寂しいな。。。未愉

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My first Hair Cut! 初めてのカット★

Check me out! I had my very 1st hair cut the other day! How do you like it? Mama loves it so much! Love, Miyu

見てみてー!生まれて初めてのカットしてもらったんだあ。どう、似合ってる?ママは気に入ってるみたいだよ。 未愉

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

With Sota-kun!! 颯大君と◎

Sota-kun visited me. I was happy to touch 'baby' and tried to make him smile:)! I did even made him stop crying with my toy!! Love, Miyu

颯大君遊びに来てくれたんだ。’赤ちゃん’を触れて感激~♪いっぱい笑わせようと未愉のおもちゃをガラガラして見せてあげたの!泣き止ます事だってできたんだよー☆ 未愉

With Hide! ひでお姉ちゃん☆

Thanks for making time to see me:)
Thank you for making many paper toys so that I won't get bared.
I always think that mama loves spending fun chat time with you! She looks so happy whenever she talks to you! Love, Miyu
ママ、ひでおねえちゃんと話してる時いつもすっごく楽しそうだよー! 未愉

Saturday, May 05, 2007

At ` Pan Road ' ! ぱんロードで♪

Mom & Ya-tan (grandma) are both bread lover!
They love this cute place where we can enjoy many types of bread along with a cup of coffee, tea or juice. There's a fun kids room where I can play, also! We ate so much, and still bought some home!
Love, Miyu


Friday, May 04, 2007

Animal Convention! 動物フェステバル☆

Got to go to the animal convention! It was fun to touch chicks, dogs and other animals!

I also enjoyed lunch time as always. ( I love eating!!) Love, Miyu


(食べ物好きな私は)屋台で買って食べたいろんな昼食もたのしんだよおお。 未愉

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fancy Course Dinner! 豪華な夕食♪

O-pa (Grandpa) and Ya-tan(Grandma) took me to the fancy dinner tonight. Uncle Mako and Auntie Nana came along, too!
Spent 2 hrs and ate soooooooooo much!
I was super full. Love, Miyu

オーパとヤータンが豪華なコースデナーに連れて行ってくれたの。マコおじ&ナナおばとママも一緒に★2時間もかけていっぱいx2食べちゃった。おなかパンパンになったよーーー☆ 未愉

Picnic! ピクニック☆

We went to the Oizumi Ryokuchi Park for picnic!
It was nice for great grand parents to join us as well. I did run/play a lot! Love, Miyu

いっぱい走って、いっぱい遊んだよー♪ 未愉