Thanks to Peyton, I got a new bike!!! ( She got it from her friend, but she doesn't like princesses!!) It is a bit big for me, but looooooooove it!! Love, Miyu
Today was the dance performance day at my school! I did dance very well on the stage! Since we did good job, we got "good job certificate" along with japanese sweets! We'll have one more week before the end of this orange class and move up to banana class from September!! I'll miss my teachers!! Love, Miyu
Thank you, Daniel & Sophia for letting me ride with you guys!! Suddenly, our stroller got flat tire and I had to walk/run with mommies one way, but got tired and hopped onto Daniel & Sophia's! Saved me! Love, Miyu
Daniel &Sophia本当にありがとう!!一緒に乗っけてくれて。今朝いきなり私とブリジットのジョガーがパンクしちゃって片道はママ達と歩いて(走って)きたんだけど疲れちゃって2人のジョガーに乗っけてもらったの。助かったー。未愉