Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mama's Birthday Party! ママのお誕生日会★

Today was Mama's Birthday! I was so looking forward to mama's birthday party ( to me... dinner & cake = birthday party). Fun, wasn't it?
Love, Miyu

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Princess Story Time!! お姫様のお話会!

Went to the story time by this beautiful princess! She read fun & cute books for us!! Love, Miyu

Friday, June 25, 2010

Princess Bike!! プリンセスの自転車!!

Thanks to Peyton, I got a new bike!!! ( She got it from her friend, but she doesn't like princesses!!) It is a bit big for me, but looooooooove it!! Love, Miyu
Peyton のお陰で(彼女がお友達にもらったものなんだけどプリンセス嫌いだから私に!)新しい自転車ゲット!少し大きいんだけどお気に入りでーす!未愉

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bunny Dance continued! うさぎさん体操続き!

Bunny Dance! うさぎちゃん体操☆

Suika Performance day! すいか発表会!

Today was the dance performance day at my school! I did dance very well on the stage! Since we did good job, we got "good job certificate" along with japanese sweets! We'll have one more week before the end of this orange class and move up to banana class from September!! I'll miss my teachers!! Love, Miyu

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a fun day with Peyton! Peytonと愉しい一日を!

I had a great day with Peyton. Went to Ballet/Tap class, to lunch&ice cream, to the park and then finally fun time at My gym!! Love, Miyu
今日は一日Peytonといっぱい過ごしたの。バレー&タップクラスに行って、ランチとアイスクリーム食べて、公園に行って最後にMy Gymでのオープンプレイに行ったの。未愉

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shring Ride with Daniel & Sophia! Daniel &Sophiaのジョガーに!

Thank you, Daniel & Sophia for letting me ride with you guys!! Suddenly, our stroller got flat tire and I had to walk/run with mommies one way, but got tired and hopped onto Daniel & Sophia's! Saved me! Love, Miyu
Daniel &Sophia本当にありがとう!!一緒に乗っけてくれて。今朝いきなり私とブリジットのジョガーがパンクしちゃって片道はママ達と歩いて(走って)きたんだけど疲れちゃって2人のジョガーに乗っけてもらったの。助かったー。未愉

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Balanced Toy! 立ちシーソー!

Look at us! This is the toy for 2 people, but we shared with 4 of us!! Love, Miyu
見て!これは2人用だけどAvery, PeyonそしてEvaと4人で仲良く乗ったの!!未愉