Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mama's new phone!! ママの新しい電話!

Yeah! Finally mama got a new phone ( Droid Incredible) and this is her first try to take a photo with her new phone!!! How do I look? Love, Miyu


Monday, February 21, 2011

Fun Hiking! ハイキング★

I had so much fun to hike around the park with a great view:) Patrick made us hooked, and we did hike 3 times!! Though it was such a cold day, we got sweat after hiking!! Love, Miyu

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Aver'y flower 5th party! エーブリー、5歳のお花パーテイ★

I was so happy to be at my best friend's b-day party! Avery loves flower so much, so the theme of her party was flower!! Leah made it so beautiful! And.. she wanted it to be surprise!! We waited her with a flower and gave it to her when she showed up!! I even tried her cake a bit:) Love, Miyu

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photo book for Avery! エーブリーへのフォトアルバム☆

Mama & I made a photo book for Avery's b-day! Avery and I've been friend since we were baby!! We've taken many photos together, so it was hard to select only some for this book! Hope she loves my gift! Love, Miyu

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spend all day with Avery! エーブリーと楽しい一日。

Avery and I played all day at my house since it was raining, and was gonna say bye in the evening. But, we couldn't. We ended up taking a bath together and ate dinner togehter, too!! Unfortunately, she couldn't sleep over as we both have school tomorrow! Let's play again soon! Love, Miyu


Monday, February 14, 2011

Touchy Video! 感動的なビデオ☆

We all watched a slide show that papa put it together for mama! He combined photos from the time they were dating, my birth, Brigitte's birth till present! In that video, I was telling mama "Happy Valentine's day, I love you!" too. Today is the day for me to express my love!! I told papa, mama and Brigitte that I love them! Love, Miyu


Valentine Dinner with Bella! ベラと一緒にバレンタインデナー☆

We all dressed up so cute and went out to the Valentine dinner! Isn't my dress beautiful? Mama was struggling till the last minute to find our dresses. She even fixed my dress ( length) and add flowers!! It was such a fun & exciting night!! Love, Miyu

Valley Park! バリー公園で。

Since my school was off, I invited all my friends to come to the park for a playdate... but sadly no one made it as some had their school, and the others wer busy! Though I couldn't play with my friends, I got to play with Brigitte, her friend Rinku, and his mommy! His mommy was so cool and helped me to make many sand cakes with me!! Thank you so much! Love, Miyu

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Breads are ready to eat! パンでっきあがりー!

I put breads into oven very carefully!!


And.. ate some left over sunflower seeds & cranberries with Brigitte.


They are ready!! Let me see!! Wow~~!


Look, they look so yummy!!! Love, Miyu


Making breads with mama! ママとパン作り♪

Ya-tan sent us a box of "easy" bread mix, so tried it out today! First, mix egg and milk.


Then, add bread flowers into the bowl. Mix well untill it became a one big ball.


Knead and knead. Add sesame seeds into my half and Brigitte add sunflower seeds & dried cranberries into other half.


Roll and made a cute round shape.


Ready to bake!! Need to bake for 15 minutes. Can't wait to taste them:) Love, Miyu


Saturday, February 05, 2011

Surprise Birthday Party for Sara! サラのサプライズお誕生日会★

We came to papa's best friend, Fernando & Sara's house for Sara's surprise party! It was a fun & fancy mexican style party!!


We were watching them coming home and waiting in front of the front door.

Sara was so surprised when she opened the door. She jumped up!! Mariachi group was waiting, and started to play fun musics!! I was so fuscianating and following them everywhere!

Food was great and met many friends and had a blast!!
Love, Miyu

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Damons out! Luck In!! 鬼は外~、福は内~!

Then, we did Bean-throwing by shouting " Damons Out! Luck In"! I wanted to do even more and ask mama for more beans. But she said that there won't be the one for us to eat. Of course, I wanted to eat a lot so stopped right away! I ate the number of my age which is 5, and made another wish by closing my eyes. And.. ate some more and finished all with Brigitte!
Love, Miyu

Yummy!! う~ん、おいしい♪

Yummy!! I think that I did a great job making this roll! It was so delicious and ate it all. I was facing the auspicious direction which was south south east and even tryied to close my eyes while I was making a wish! Today's dinner was all my favorite. We had clam soup and octopas salad too!! Love, Miyu

Making "lucky direction roll" .恵方巻き作り!

Mama and I made "Lucky direction roll" from scratch!! Spread rice over seaweed, then line spinich, egg, dried gourd shavings and conger eel. Mama did rolling part as it was little too difficult for me. I was spreading rice and kept eating as sushi rice was yummy. Mama let me eat sushi rice on the rice scoaper in the end. Made one for each of us 4, and extra 2! Love, Miyu

Airplane Ride! 飛行機乗り~!

We were trying to be creative with swing! Ride on my tummy and spin and release!! Look, I'm flying like an airplane! Love, Miyu

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Bean-Throwing Festival! 幼稚園でまめまき!

Tomorrow is Setsubun so we did "bean-throwing festival" at school!! Our teacher dressed as "red & blue Oni (damon)" and we threw roasted beans at them. "Damons out! Luck in". We also made ourselves cute damon clothes with "cute" damon faces on it!! Love, Miyu