Thursday, March 31, 2011

Much taller than last year! 去年よりかなり高く!

Ji-ji always measure my height like this. He was surprised how much I grew! I'm about .5 inches taller than last year! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My kindergarden in Japan! 日本での幼稚園★

I went to meet up with my school principal today. This is my kindergarden in Japan! My first day is on April 8, and I'm so excited!! Love, Miyu 今日は早速園長先生とお話をしに行ってきました。これが、私がお世話になる日本での幼稚園。始業式は4月8日なの。とってもたのしみ★ 未愉

Sunday, March 27, 2011

More fun! 他にもいろいろ!

Fed farm animals and danced at the show, too!

Love, Miyu


Adventure City! アドベンチャーシテイ★

We came to Adventure city to spend a fun day with papa before we leave to Japan! We almost got on every single rides!!! I loved the pink airplane the most!! Love, Miyu


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Favorite friends at Suika! スイカでの大好きなお友達♪

With Heisuke. He is a very sweet boy! (Top) へいすけ君と。とっても優しい子なんだ。 (上) With Aika & Leia! (Middle) あいかちゃん、そしてレイアちゃんと。 (下) I'm eating lunch with Sonia & Marina! ソニアちゃん&マリナちゃんとランチ中!

Sports Event at Suika! スイカ幼稚園の運動会★

My last sports festival at Suika was so memorable. I was so sad & disappointed when I felt down while I was running the first. I was heading out first, but became the last. I was really sad and could't concentrate on class performance. By the time we did tag a war, I was over and our team won!!! It was a great sports festival within 4 years at Suika! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Check out my new toy! 新しいおもちゃ☆

Look! I love my new castle! Of course, I'm sharing with Brigitte! Love, Miyu


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Winner of February! 2月の当選者★

We got a surprised phone call from Mattel Toy Store to find out that I'm the winner of the month of Februray! I got this big princess castle and sleeping beauty doll set!!! Yeah, I'm a lcuky girl~! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm the driver!! 私が運転手★

Look, do I look cool? I would love to drive mama's car one day!! Love, Miyu


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Shower! そして、パーテイ☆

Yay!!! Had a cute shower for them. Mama was gonna make the same jello tower she made for my birthday, but run out of time after she was busy cooking something else. So.. made this one for them!! We all loved them:)! Love, Miyu

Saturday, March 12, 2011

They loved my card!! カード喜ばれたよっ★

I couldn't wait till tomorrow's shower, so gave it to them tonight.
They loved it so much:) Love, Miyu

Friday, March 11, 2011

Congratulations' card for Truck & Hamilton!!! ハーマトンとトウルップへのおめでとうカード☆

I made a "Congratulation card" for Hamilton & Truc's baby shower!! Yes, my very first cousin's gonna arrive in April!!! I can't wait to see her!! By the way, can you see a little baby between them?? I didn't forget about her, too:)
Love, Miyu
ハーマトントウルップのベビーシャワー用におめでとうカード作ったの。そう、私の初めてのいとこが4月に生まれるの!!!彼女に会うのがとっても楽しみ♪ 見て~~、ちゃんと赤ちゃんの絵も描いたんだよ。未愉

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Green Tea Cake! 抹茶ケーキ★

5) Need to cool for a while and ready to serve!!!


4) Pour into the cake shape and bake in the over for 45 minutes.

ケーキ型に流し込んで、オーブンで 45分焼きます。

3) Mix butter & suger well.
Add eggs, flour mixture into the
butter mix.


2) Shift together the flour, baking powder and green tea powder into a large bowl. Set aside.


1) Measuring flour, suger and butter by using the scale.

Lucky Ride before Bullet Class! バレークラス前にラッキーに乗って!

We still love riding Lucky! We almost ride her every day! I'm about to go to bullet class, but let me ride first! Love, Miyu


Saturday, March 05, 2011

Wild Animal visit 2~! 野生動物ショーパート2。

Since I had so much fun meeting many different kind of wild animals, I came back with Peyton! We had such a cool experience to watch fox, owl, moutain cat, alligator and snake!! Love, Miyu

Thursday, March 03, 2011

March 3 is girl's Day! 3月3日はお雛様!

I had been waiting for this day! I was so ready to make this year's 'Hina Doll 3D Sushi" with mama!! Mama came up a new idea this year and prepared a lot for us:) It was fun putting them together and enjoy eating them, too:)!! Love, Miyu
ずっ~と待っていたお雛様。ママと今年の”立体雛寿司”を作るのを楽しみにしていたの。今年もママがアイデア考えてくれていろいろ用意してくれていたの。お寿司を作るの、そしてもちろん食べるのたのしかったしおいしかったあ~~!レシピはブリジットサイトを見てねっ★ 未愉

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wild animals are cool, but Marina is better! 野生動物もいいけど、マリナがい~い!!

We had fun meeting/touching wild annimals, but I love hanging out with Marina-chan!!! Marina & I are always together whatever we're doing:) We're good friends!! Love, Miyu

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Lady bug loves me:) 私に懐いたてんとう虫ちゃん★

We found a lady bug at the park. In the begining, we transfered her to the tennis ball. Then, suddenly, she moved to my hand!! Peyton, Brigitte and mama wanted to have her come to their hands, too. But... she wanted to stay with me:) She really loved me. It was sad, but had to say bye when we leave the park. See you next time!! Love, Miyu
今日ね、公園でてんとう虫見つけたの。最初は、テニスボールにくっつけて持っていたの。そしたら、急に私のお手手に歩いてきてくれたの。それを見た、ペートン、ブリジット、ママはお手手に乗せたがったんだけど、てんとう虫ちゃんは私から離れなかったの。私に懐いてくれたんだね。帰るとき寂しかったけどバイバイしたよ。また会おうねっ!! 未愉