Sunday, March 31, 2013

Fancy Easter Event at Terranea Resort! テラニアリゾートで豪華なイースターイベント☆

Happy Easter! Avery's family & we went to Terranea Resort for Easter celebration! We got to touch real bunny, and took a photo with a big bunny doll! We sure enjoyed fancy brunch at the hotel, too!! Love, Miyu

ハッピーイスター☆ エーブリーの家族と一緒にテラニアリゾートでイースターを祝ったの。本物のうさぎちゃんに触れたり、大きなうさぎの人形さんと写真撮ったり!もちろん、ホテルでの豪華なブランチもたのしんだよお。未愉

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Event at Columbia Park! コロンビア公園でイースターイベント☆

We went to the local Easter event at the park near by! Guess how much eggs I collected!! A lot!!! There will be many candies in it!  Love, Miyu


Friday, March 29, 2013

Good job, papa! パパ、お疲れー☆

Since we didn't have swimming tonight and I won't have school tomorrow morning, we got to stay up late to watch Papa's hockey game today! He was running around so well. Great job, papa! Love, Miyu


Thursday, March 28, 2013

My 1st Science project!! 初めての理科の実験発表☆

Though many elementary school starts "Science Project" from 2nd grade, our school allowed all of us including 1st grade to participate! Papa & I experiment to create static electricity by rubbing balloon to my hair! It was a fun project! Love, Miyu


Monday, March 25, 2013

My 100th day's project! 100日目のプロジェクト☆

Like last year, ( ) I did put my effort on my 100th days of school project! Since I love drawing, I drew 100 things and cut them out and paste them onto this paper. I spelled everything out, too! It was fun! Love, Miyu

去年にひき続き、 今年もまた1年生100日目のプロジェクトがんばったよ。お絵かきが好きだからいろんなもの100個描いて、切り取って紙に貼り集めたの。すべての名称もちゃんと書いたよ。たのしかったよ。未愉

Fire Station Visit! ガールスカウトで消防署見学☆

It was so cool to go to fire station as a field trip! Firemen showed us where they live, study, sleep, eat....etc. They normally stayed 48hrs at the time.  During our tour, they were called and rush to rescue someone!! They were awesome! Love, Miyu


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lucky Afternoon! ラッキーな午後☆

Papa & Mama took us to the park and we were happy. Coincidentally, Peyton was also at the park and we got to play together. Also, we were able to enjoy cherry blossom that were planned about three years ago! Love, Miyu


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Drunk from Fondue? フォオンドウのワインで酔っ払ちゃった。。。!

I guess I got drunk from the wine (from Foundue), I started entertaining everyone! I showed them my "Gangnam style" dance and everyone was laughing with tears! I even trained two little ones!! Miyu


Bri's Sports Day! ブリちゃんの運動会☆

Since it was during Asahi's spring break, I was able to go watch Bri's sports day event. And.. I got to attend obstacle race! Though I was not good at throwing bowl into the basket and I couldn't move forward, I enjoyed it! Love, Miyu


Monday, March 18, 2013

Rice Cake Pizza with Sophia! ソフィアと一緒にもちピザ☆

Since there was no school for Torrance elementary, Sophia & I played together. As for lunch, we made Rice Cake Pizza. From washing vegetables to cutting and topping, we did everything together.  Though rice cake were sticking to the cooking paper a little, it was so yummy! Let's cook again next time too! Love, Miyu

今日は、トーランスの小学校がお休みだったからソフェアちゃんと遊んだよ。ランチには、一緒にもちピザを作ったの。お野菜洗って、切って、お餅の上にのせて、はい出来上がり♪ ちょっとクッキングペーパーにくっついちゃったけど味はすっごくおいしかったよー。また一緒にお料理しようね。未愉

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Everything turned into green! 緑色に染まっちゃったあ!

Happy St. Patrick's day! We went over for Avery's for brunch.  Guess what? Leprechauns came to Avery's house and made our cupcake, water, milk into green!!! We had fun green brunch together. Love, Miyu


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Green tea marble cake! グリーンティーマーブルケーキ☆

We had Coen and his family over for dinner! We did "Rice Cake Pizza" that we've been addicted lately! As for desert, we enjoyed green tea marble cake mama made! Coen sure can eat anything! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Sending Love to O-pa! オーパに愛をこめて♪

It's almost O-pa's birthday ( March 19)! I made a picture of us laying under the tree, looking up the sky and wrote him a letter! I was so happy to write him by using many Kanji that I learned at Japanese school! I hope he likes them:) Love, Miyu


Sunday, March 03, 2013

Mama, don't worry! ママ、大丈夫だよ!

Though mama almost never make a mistake when it comes to cooking ( Yes, she is a great cook!), she couldn't make doll designed sushi roll. She wanted to coordinate the colorful step, prince's body, face, and crown.....and shown when she cut the sushi. Unfortunately, 4 parts all moved while she was wrapping and didn't stay the right place. When mama said "Sorry, I messed up!", we immediately said "Don't worry! Taste would be great!". Then, papa quickly fixed up by using the beef roll mama made and some left over vegetables. (Though Mama was so sad and disappointed the fact she couldn't make what she wanted.)  We even sang the song!! Love, Miyu
