Sunday, March 25, 2007

Happy B-day Coen! Coenお誕生日おめでとう☆

Happy Birthday, Coen! Welcome to the"1year club"! You're so special to me as you're my 1st boyfriend:) Love, Miyu

Coenお誕生日おめでとう!1歳の仲間いりだね!Coenは特別なんだよ、だって未愉の初めてのボーイフレンドだもん♪ 未愉


  1. Hi Miyu! you are getting so big and you are so precious. It looks like you are having lots of fun.

    Love Sotelo family ; )

    ps: my mommy can't wait to take me to see the fishes too!

  2. Hi, Savannah

    Thank you! Yes, I'm having a lot of fun and hope you're too!
    Oh, I heard about your cpcoming baby brother! Congratulations!
    I can totally tell that you're gonna be a great big sister:)

    Love, Miyu
