Saturday, October 18, 2014

Anchor twice?! 2度もアンカー?

I was the first one to go "Rolling the wheel Race" as well as "Hopping bounce ball race", so got to run as an anchor! On both races, I did well at first, but by the time my turn for finish, our team slowed down, so couldn't get 1st place.  Lunch was great as usual! Love, Miyu

「タイヤ転がしリレー」も「ボールピョンピョン跳ねリレー」も私が最初だったからアンカーもしたんだよ。最初は頑張ったのに、アンカーの番になる頃には私のチームは遅くてどちらも一位にはなれなかったんだあ。。 お弁当はいつものようにおいしかった~~!未愉

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