Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'm watching TV~!  テレビ見てるんだあ☆

I'm watching disney video. Fun fun fun!
Love, Miyu

デイズニーのビデオ見てるんだ。あはっ、たのち~! 未愉

Monday, March 27, 2006

Miyu's Smile *(^o^)* 未愉の笑顔♪

Mom said that my smile would make everyone happy. I really hope my smile gives everyone courage, happiness and love. Love, Miyu

ママがね、未愉のスマイルはみんなを幸せにするって。そうだといいなああ。みんなに勇気、幸せ、愛をプレゼントしたいでちゅー! 未愉

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Miyu Buddha ?!  未愉仏像?!

Hehe.. I'm getting chubby, but it means I'm healty *(^.^)*
Love, Miyu

うふふ。。。ぽっちゃりしてきたでしょ?でも、健康な証拠だからいいよね? 未愉

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm helping mom with laundry お洗濯物のお手伝い

Mommy & I were doing laundry together! My clothes are now so warm & clean *(^.-)* Miyu

ママと一緒にお洗濯してたの。私の服は暖かくっていい匂い♪ 未愉

Sunday, March 19, 2006

100th day celebration お食い初め

Mom & Dad celebrated my 100th day (Okuizome) by making a gorgeous dinner ( steamed sticky rice mixed with red beans, a sea bream, taro, octopus & cucumber salad & soup).
Mommy made me suck octopus. Funny taste!! Love, Miyu
Okuizome: Let baby try (actually just cook & serve in front of her) Japanese traditional celebration dinner on 100th day so that she will not have any difficulties with foods through her life.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

I'm stuck! 埋まっちゃったぁ>_<

Daddy made little support around me so that I won't fall... but I'm stuck! Let's try toget out...! No~~~! I can't move 'cz pillows are too heavy for me... Love, Miyu


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sit on the Kitchen, too! キッチンテーブルにも座っちゃええ!

Close Up!!  ドアップ~!

I love sitting. お座りだいすき★

I love sitting! ( I can only sit in the corner as I can't hold my body yet...hehehehe). Love, Miyu

お座りだーいすき♪ (でも、ソファーの角しかダメ。だって、まだ自分の身体を支えられないんだもん。。ははは。) 未愉

Saturday, March 11, 2006

With daddy ! パパと★

I'm always in a good mood when daddy hold me. I love my dADa*(^.-)* Love, Miyu
パパに抱かれるといつもご機嫌なのだぁ♪ パパ大好き*(^。-)* 未愉

Friday, March 10, 2006

With Keila

I love Keila☆
Thanks for playing with me^O^ Love, Miyu

一緒に遊んでくれてありがとぉ^O^ 未愉

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm now 3 month old! 生後3ヶ月よ!

Guess how big I became?

I'm now 11lbs, 22inches long! Love, Miyu


Mom, I want you to be in pic., too! ママも一緒に入って!!

I love taking phptos, but I love taking it with mom more ♪♪ Love, Miyu
写真撮ってもらうのだ~いすき♪ でも、ママと撮るのはもっといい☆★ 未愉

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

With Mommy! ママと。

Here're some shots with mommy!! Love, Miyu
ママとのツーショットだよぉ。 未愉

With Emily & Merlin エミリーちゃんと&マリン君と

With friend Emily (6month) & Merlin ( 2 yrs & 1/2). Love, Miyu
お友達エミリーちゃんと(6ヶ月)&マリン君(2歳半)と一緒に! 未愉

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I can almost hold up my head!! もう少しで首をもちあげれそう!

I'm trying my best to lift up my head!
It's still difficult!! Love, Miyu

でも、まだ大変だよおおおおお。。。 未愉

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Oooops, I'm fallin'! オオット、こけちゃうよ!

Wow, this leather couch is so slippery! Love, Miyu
 わぁ、この皮のソファーは滑りやすいよぉ。 未愉