Monday, July 30, 2012

Red cheeks!! ほっぺが真っ赤か。。。!

Oh my goodeness! My face turned in red yesterday and got worse today.... It is little itchy, but not bad at all. Mama & I went to the doctor and discovered that both Mama & I have a fifth disease!!! Mine wasn't bad at all ( though looks funny...!), but mama's condition was horrible.  Poor mama, her finger, wrist, anckle, knee's joints were hearting so badly! Her toes got rashes and she said they were so itchy too. It took her a week to heal. "Fifth Disease" was awful! Love, Miyu


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ringling Bros's Circus! リングリングブラザーのサーカス★

Papa took us to Ringling Bros's circus! We couldn't capture how fun it was with camera, but we loved it:) Of course, we enjoy popcorn while watching it, too:):) Love, Miyu

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Obon Dancing w/ new hair look! プリキュアヘアで盆踊り★

How do you like today's hair due? Many people came up to me how cute my hair style is! One stranger came to ask for a permission to take a photo of me:):) Mama was trying to arrange different style and everytime I got lots of compliments from strangers! Love, Miyu


Friday, July 27, 2012

Singing&Dancing with confident! 堂々とステージで歌ってダンス!

Sometimes, I get really shy.... but not tonight! I was dancing & singing with a big smile. Yes, I was having so much fun! Papa, Mama & Brigitte were so proud of me! Love, Miyu


101dalmatians Play! 101匹のわんちゃん★

After 2 weeks musical camp, we are about to performe the musical on the stage! We, the smallest one will be puppies!! Do I look like a doggy? Love, Miyu

2週間通ったミュージカルキャンプが終えて、今夜舞台で披露するんだあ。私達は一番小さいグループだったから、みんな子犬役。わたし、わんちゃんに見える? 未愉

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obon Festival #2! お盆祭りパート2!

盆おどり、盆踊り。。。♪ 今日は、オレンジ郡にある仏教会の夏祭りに行ってきたんだあー。ここでも大規模のお盆踊りがやっててすっごい人だったよおお。ブリジットとりんくは途中からふざけて走りまわってたけど私は盆踊りに熱中!最後まで踊っていたんだああ。そうそう、ママが丈を直してまた縫ってくれたの。ありがとう、ママ。未愉

Obon Dancing, Dancing! We went to the Orange Buddhist church for summer festival today. Wow, the party was huge here and there were so many people! Though Brigitte and Rinku started running around, I was so into dancing! I was dancing till the end! By the way, mama fixed the length of my Yukata, too. Thank you, Mama! Love, Miyu

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cooling off with an ice cream & fountain!  夏のアイスクリームと噴水☆

Though the usual Metrolx fountain was broken, we got to chilled with Cold Stone Ice cream ( Diane treated us all!!) and a red dog fountain! It was so nice to play with Bella addition to Avery & Peyon! Love, Miyu


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Brigitte's b-day that I was so excited about! 私も楽しみにしていたブリちゃんのお誕生日会☆

I was as excited as Brigitte for her big 4th b-day party!! It turned out such a cute & fun party and we all had a blast!!I'm so happy to see my sister's smile all day long! Love, Miyu

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Redondo Beach with Alexia! アレキシアと一緒にレドンドビーチへ☆

What a great coincident, Alexia was gonna go to the beach today and so were we! Of course, we went there together! We had fun runing into the water, collecting the sand crabs, playing with sand and eating lunch on our comfortable beach chair! And...guess what? We went to park concert with Avery this evening also! What a fun weekend, we had!! Love, Miyu

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Obon Festival Hopping?! 盆踊りのはしご?!

Guess what? We found an another temple ( much much BIGGER!!) called Nishi Hongwanji near by and so checked here out too! Yes, two obon festivals in one night! We had a very exciting first obon dancing experience. We'll go more this summer! Love, Miyu


Yukata Debut! 浴衣デビュー☆

Am I pretty? I'm wearing a gorgeous Yukata that Ya-tan sent to me:) Since I wasn't home, mama guessed my hem length and became too short though...( she will fix it for me!) It was my very first time to do Obon dancing and I absolutely love it! I wasn't shy at all! We had fun at Zenshyuji Obon carnival! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, July 04, 2012

July 4th party at Avery's! エーブリー宅で独立記念日パーテイ★

Happy 4th! It was so cool to celebrate July 4th with Avery! We had so much fun eating, playing and more playing! The highlight of tonight was our "three-legged race"!! We laughed so hard!!! Since we loved the idea, we switched our partners and did over and over!! Love, Miyu

ハッピーJuly 4! エーブリーと一緒に祝った独立記念日は最高だったよん!いっぱい食べて、いっぱい遊んで、もっと遊んで。特に楽しかったのは、みんなで2人3脚競争をした事。面白くって笑い転げてたんだああ。楽しかったから何度も違う相手と一緒に競争して遊んだんだ。未愉

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Sleep Over with Alexia! アレキシアとお泊まり会★

Since I got to sleep over at Alexia's house last time, it was her turn to come to our house! We get along so well ( we don't fight at all!) and love spending time with her! Love, Miyu
