Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fancy Seafood BBQ! 豪華な海鮮バーべキュー☆

Yummy!! We got to pick all kind of fresh seafood for our BBQ lunch.  I was so happy to eat a huge shrimp!! Love Miyu

う~ん、おいしそう!新鮮な魚介類を好きなだけ選んでバーベキューして食べたんだあ。大きなエビさん食べれて幸せ~~♪ 未愉

Porto Europa! ポルトヨーロッパ☆


We went to "Porto Europa" for a day! Though I'm normally scared of the fancy rides, I had no problem trying roller coaster & water ride, too!! I think that I'm getting better! Love, Miyu



Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Mama & Brigitte! ママ、ブリジットお誕生日おめでとう!

O-pa & Ya-tan surprised Mama at this fancy restaurant in Kobe.  The course meal was delicous and the happy birthday music & cake was so beautiful.  Mama was in tears with the joy!  Today is actual birthday for mama, and Brigitte's is in 2 days!  Love, Miyu


フィールドアスレチック!Obstacle Course!

Next, we tried 40 different obstacle course at the forest!! Some of them are very challenging, but we completed them all!! We had a good exercise! Love, Miyu


Rokko Farm! 六甲山牧場!

Papa got here yesterday, and we went to Rokko Farm in Kobe!  There are many friendly sheeps everywhere for us to pet & feed. I was popular among them again as I had lots of their food:) Love, Miyu


Monday, June 24, 2013

Hair Cut with Yu kun! ゆうくんとヘアカット★

After school, Yu & Nana took me to his hair salon to give me a nice cut! My hair got short and light. I'm so happy with my new look. Love, Miyu


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Back to Takawashiminami Elementary School! 高鷲南小学校に戻ってきたよっ!

I was so excited to going back to Takawashi Minami Elementary School as 2nd grade today!!  Since I made many friends when I was here last November I wasn't nervous at all.  It was sprinkling this morning, so I got to bring my new unbrella that I just got yesterday! Love, Miyu


Visiting Ji-ji & Ba-ba! じーじ&ばーばのお家へ!

They always welcome us with big smiles!! I was so happy to see them today. Love, Miyu


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Keiko & Many Deers! 敬子さん&そしてシカさんとあそんだよお。

We got to meet with Keiko as well as many wild deers!! At this park, deers are wondering around everywhere and we are allowed to feed them! I was so popular among many deers and chased after by them:) I was so happy to spend time with Keiko, too! Love, Miyu


Friday, June 21, 2013

Nana welcomed us too! ななちゃんがさっそく会いにきてくれたの★

Yeah! Nana came to vist us as soon as we got to Ya-tan&O-pa's house. Yu-kun was gonna come after his work, but we needed to get some sleep as we played too much in the plane and slept only 1 hour. I'm still looking forward to meet everyone here! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Santa Monica Beach! サンタモニカビーチ☆

Yes, we're at the Beach!! We came here for our family photo shoots, and got to play afterwards! We played so hard and forgot that I was not wearing my bathing suits, and got soaking wet!  We had a great time!! Love, Miyu


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dinner at Horon! ほろんで串揚げディナー☆

 Happy Father's day! We celebrated at his favorite restaurant called Horon! We ate soooooo much! And we went over to Yogurt Land for desert:) Yummy! Love, Miyu

ハッピーファーザーズディ☆ パパの大好き串揚げレストランほろんに行ったんだあ。すっごくいっぱい食べたよー。デザートにはヨーグルトランドにいったよ!未愉

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Brigitte's Birthday Party! ブリちゃんのお誕生日会☆

Early Happy Birthday, Brig.! I'm so happy that you had a blast day!! Let's celebrate your actual birthday again in Japan!! Love, Miyu


Sunday, June 02, 2013

Sophia & I know how to convince mamas! ソフィアも私もママを説得上手!

Guess what? We happened to run into each other at Costco this morning! Sophia & I quickly made our evening plan together and convinced our mom to get together! We spontaneously decided our evening playdate plan. We swam a bit and ate dinner together! Though it was school night, we had fun close to 10 pm, hehe! Love, Miyu
