Thursday, April 27, 2006

Who is this cute one?? このかわいい子だ~れ?

I love this toy ( mirror)...! When I look at her, she looks back at me. When I smile at her, she does back to me... Who is this cute girl in the mirror.......? Love Miyu

このおもちゃ(鏡)だ~いすき。鏡の彼女をみつめると、見つめ返してくれる★ 彼女に笑うと、微笑み返してくれる☆ 一体、このかわいい彼女はだ~れ? 未愉

Are you taking picture of me? 私の写真撮ってるの?

Mom, are you taking a picture of me? Hold on. Here's my pose~!
Love, Miyu

ママ、私の写真とってるの。ちょっと待って!ポーズきめたわよ♪ 未愉

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Too shinny, mama!!  まぶちいよお。。

Mama, I wanna smile, but sun in my eyes. Where is Chanel sunglasses!

Love, Miyu

ママ、笑いたいけどまぶしいよおお。。。シェネルのグラサンはどこ?! 未愉

I'm a star!  人気者未愉!

I'm so popular amoung people everywhere I go. I'm so busy talking & smiling with this person and that person!! Hehe
Love, Miyu

私はどこに行っても人気者♪ この人にもあの人にともお話して笑って忙しいわ☆ 未愉

Monday, April 17, 2006

My New Toy!  新しいおもちゃ!

I love this new toy! I can walk around and play with different toys. Love, Miyu


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Miyu! A Movie Star 未愉はムービースター★

What a fun day! とっても楽しい日。

What a nice day! I played & laughed all day!
Love, Miyu

今日は楽しかったぁ☆★ よく遊んだし笑った^。^

Hey, can you be my pillow? 私の枕になって?

Hey Angel, can you be my pillow? You look so fluffy & comfy!
Hmmm, feels good!!
Love, Miyu


I can stand!! 立てるのよ~!

I think I can start walking soon! Hehehe.

Love, Miyu



Yummy~??  おいしい?

My fingers taste good too!! Hehehe..
Love, Miyu


At the Delthorn Park # 4 公園で

Today is warm! It's 74F out!
It was fun going to the park with daddy, mommy, uncle Hamilton & David *.*

Love, Miyu

今日はとっても暖かいの☆ 21度だよ。
パパ&ママ、Hamilton&Davidおじと公園に行ったの。たのちかったあ♪ 未愉

Monday, April 10, 2006

I'm getting up now! 今おきるよぉ。。

Hmmm, what a great nap I had! I'm now ready to eat & play ^.^!! Love, Miyu


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Daddy makes me laugh! パパおもしろーい!

Yeah~~! Daddy is so funny, and make me laugh!!! Hahahahahaha ^o^ ^.^ ^-^

Love, Miyu

いえ~い!パパ超楽しいよ。笑わせてくれるよ!ははははははは。。。 ^。^^O^  未愉

Baby Foods? 離乳食? 

I'm wearing a bib now as I'm drooling a lot! Especially when I see mom & dad eat --> Hehehe.. so mommy letted me try some apple souces today. --> Am I ready? ---> I'm not sure....*(#,#)* Love, Miyu

特にママとパパがご飯食べてるのみるとヨダレ出ちゃうの。 -->だからね、ママが今日始めてアップルソースを試させてくれたの。-->どうだったって?-->まだわかんなーい。ママのお乳の方がいいかも?!へへへ♪  未愉

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

4 month check up!  4ヶ月検診★

Guess how big I become? I'm now 12 lbs, 23 inches long! Yes, I'm a big girl now *(^.-)*
Love, Miyu


A good riser! 寝起きも抜群◎

I'm always in a good mood the moment when I wake up! I say "Good morning everyone! Let's have a wonderful day!! " Love, Miyu

朝起きた瞬間からご機嫌なんだ。みんなに、”おはっよう!今日も良い日を過ごしまちょ~!”って挨拶するんだぁ♪  未愉

Monday, April 03, 2006

It's April ( Spring)!! 4月(春)だね!

It's April, and hopefully warm & long days will start so that I can play more at the park!

(Since it's been cold & raining a lot...>_<)

Love, Miyu
