Sunday, August 26, 2007

Summer Concert! サマーコンサート☆

It was fun to go to the beautiful garden for family concert! I got to dance, play with bubbles and had a facial paint - of course, Turtle!! Love, Miyu


Girl Friends! 仲良し友達♪

Check my girlfriends up! We always play & laugh together!
Love, Miyu

仲良し友達だよー!よく一緒に笑って遊ぶんだあ! 未愉

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Lots of fun with Papa!  パパとの愉しい時間!

I had so much fun playing with Papa in the kitchen!! I lauged so hard 'cz papa was so funny~~~! Love, Miyu


Saturday, August 18, 2007

At Manhattan Beach! Manhattan ビーチで♪

At first, I was bit scared of water/wave, but I had a great time as I got used to it:) Love, Miyu


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kisssing with Coen?! Coenとキス?!

Hehehe, did you see him kissing me? Now, it's my turn, kiss me~~~! Love Miyu
へへへ。。。Coenにキスされたのみた?次は、私の番だよ。キスしてー! 未愉 

Friday, August 10, 2007

Who is the lucky boy in the middle? 真ん中のラッキーボーイは誰?

Aren't we cute together?! This handsome boy in the middle is our friend Harrison! He is so nice to all of us, girls! Love, Miyu

みんなでいいショットでしょ?このかっこいい男の子は私達のともだち、Harrison だよ!かれはみんな(女の子)にとっても優しいの! 未愉