Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I can read clock now!!! 時計読めるようになったんだあー☆

Guess what? I've been practicing to read the clock with both papa & mama for a while, and now I got it!! I can even read minutes in between 5 -10 - 15 ( Like 3:03, 3:12)!!! So, perfect time to open my new watch that I got for my b-day in past December!! Isn't it good on me? Love, Miyu


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

100th Day at Edison! エディスン学校に通って100日目☆

Today was our 100th day at Edison Elementary School. We all had to do a family project to collect 100 of something! I did collect 100 stars with happy words!! I'm gonna demonstrate this in my class:) Love, Miyu


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Avery's Unicorn Party! エーブリーのユニコーンパーティ☆

Happy Birthday, Avery! Since she loves unicorn, We all got to become unicorns by wearing horns and tails that Leah made for us!! We had a blast kicking, punching and doing some exercise at her Karate class! Love, Miyu


Friday, February 17, 2012

PJ Friday!! パジャマで登校!!

Today is a Pajama day that we all can go to school with PJ!! It's so comfortable and easy since I didn't have to change. I love it so much!! Also check out this Valet parking system at my school. Mom can just drive in this area and the stuffs will open the door for me and escort me to my class and mom can just leave. Cool, huh? Ok, time for me to go to school now!! Love, Miyu

今日はパジャマデーと言って、パジャマで登校していい日です(さすが、アメリカ!)!!お着替えしなくてよかったし、すっごい心地いいからすっごく嬉しい☆ そしてここ幼稚園のバレーパーキングエリアでママがここに行くと学校の人がドアを開けてくれて私のクラスまで一緒に歩いてくれるんです。ママは車から降りずそのまま帰れるという便利なサービス。いいでしょ?おっ、そろそろ行くね。ばいばーい。未愉

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fun Valentine's day! 楽しいバレンタイン♪

Today is a Valentine's Day! I had fun exchanging Valentine's card to my classmates at school, then got to go out for dinner with papa, mama & Brigitte! We had a great night together! I had fun drawing with papa at the restaurant! Both Brigitte & I love drawing and this is something we can do it at anywhere! Love, Miyu

今日はバレンタイン♪ 幼稚園ではクラスのみんなとカードを交換して、夜はパパ、ママ&ブリジットとお食事に出掛けたんだああ。素敵な時間を過ごせたよ。レストランではお料理を待っている間パパといっぱいお絵かきをしたんだあ。ブリジットも私もお絵かきが大好きなんだけど、これならどこでもできるから便利だよ。未愉

Monday, February 13, 2012

4.5 hrs at Chick Fil A! チックフィレーで4.5時間も!

We went to the newly opened first food restaurant called "Chick Fil A" today! There is a kids play area and guess how long we stayed!!! --> 4.5 hours!!!! The service there was so nice and we felt so comfortable. Our moms were impressed that the staffs even came by to refill their drinks for many times! We had fun along with Brigitte and 3 of her friends:)!! Love, Miyu


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our monthly playdate & dinner! 今月のプレイデート&夕食会☆

This month's get together was at Momoka's house! We all loved her house and her toys!! Our moms all cooked many yummy dishes and desert! We all did a great job eating our dinner and went right back for playing!!! All 7 of us got along so well:) Love, Miyu


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alexia's B-day Party! アレキシアのお誕生日会☆

Went to Alexia's 6th Birthday party today! I was happy to see many of my friends from Kindergarden! Since Alexia loves to make things, we had a party at Color me mine where we can paint ceramics to make original items! I picked a butterfly jewerly box. It was fun! Love, Miyu

今日はアレキシアの6歳のお誕生日会に行ってきましたー♪ キンダーのお友達いっぱいでたのしかったあ☆図工が大好きな彼女のお誕生日はカラーミーマインという陶器にペイントするところで開かれましたっ!今回、私は蝶々の宝石箱にペイントしましたー!!未愉

Friday, February 10, 2012

Super Fun at Lee's! リーのお家でおおはしゃぎ!

We all got to go to Lee's for Valentines party this afternoon and had a blast with all my friends!! We played a lot and also got some Valentine craft done. I made cute Valentine crafts for my classmates at school! Love, Miyu


Saturday, February 04, 2012

I had a blast at Bri's friends party! ブリのお友達のパーテイで私も楽しめたよっ★

Initially, we were told that this party is for only for Bri's classmates, but Juna's sister, Demi's sister and I were also allowed to join the all activities!! We had a blast together! Love, Miyu

最初はこのパーテイは、ブリジットのクラスメートだけって言われてたのに、何故かジュナのお姉ちゃん、ディミのお姉ちゃん、そして私も一緒に参加させてもらえたんだあ。一緒に楽しませてもらったよー★ 未愉

Keira's 6th B-day Party! キーラの6歳のお誕生日会★

Happy Birthday, Keira!!! She is also 6 years old now!! I was so happy to be at her party and see her so excited!! Love, Miyu

キーラ、お誕生日おめでとう!彼女も6歳になったんだよお。素敵なお誕生日会、そして嬉しそうなキーラを見れて私もうれしかったよ♪ 未愉

Friday, February 03, 2012

Finally Bean Throwing! やっと、豆まき★

"Demon Out, Luck In!"
We threw many roasted soy beans to out and in!!

And.. we picked up the one dropped in the house and ate them:) Love, Miyu


And eat whole Eho Roll! 恵方巻き丸かじり★

Yum, Yummy~~!! The Eho Roll that I made was so good! This year's lucky direction was North North West. I was able to eat it with my eyes closed(?) and not talking(?). Papa & Mama were surprised that I almost finished whole thing! I did finish 2/3 of it! I ate well as it was so yummy! Love, Miyu

うん、おいし☆ う~~~んおいしいい★ 自分で巻いたお寿司は最高だわあ!今年の方角北北西を向いて目をつぶって(?)おしゃべりしないで(?)食べましたー。2/3も食べてママもパパもびっくり!!だっておいしかったもーん!!未愉

Eho-sushi making! 恵方巻き作り★

Yes, it's the time for mom & me to roll some sushi for tonight! I was able to roll a little bit, but it was hard! I enjoyed to eat left over sushi rice:)! Love, Miyu
