Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mama's b-day party part 3! ママのお誕生日会パート3!

Then, my close friends got together for my mom to celebrate her b-day with Leah's homemade cupcakes!! It was fun and mama looked happy again! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mama's b-day party part 2! ママのお誕生日会パート2!

Then Papa, Brigitte and I threw her an another family party for mama! I made lots of crafts with messages in both English & Japanese. As per mama's request, we came to the Melting Pot for Fondue dinner! We had a great night together! Love, Miyu


Mama's b-day party part 1! ママのお誕生日会パート1!

Surprise!! Eiko-san & Keiko-san prepared mama a serprised pool party! Lunch they prepared was great - BBQ beef, fissh, shrimp & scallops and more!! Mama was also happy to see her beautiful green tea cake and dish soap container that she alsways wanted! I was verry happy to see her happy!! Love, Miyu

サプライズっ☆ 栄子さんと恵子さんがサプライズのプールパーテイを開いてくれたんだ。ランチはとっても豪華な、お肉、お魚、海老、ホタテなどのバーベキュー!素敵な抹茶ケーキ、そして前から欲しがってた食器洗剤入れをもらって大喜び!ママが嬉しそうなのを見て、未愉もうれしかったあー。未愉

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Metrox Fountain! メトロックスの噴水☆

Finally, summer is here!! In stead of our usual park playdate, we jumped in the fountain and had a splash time!! Since everyone's school is off, I got to see many friends of mine, today!! Love, Miyu


Monday, June 27, 2011

Yummy lunch at Rinku's ! りん君のおうちで美味しいランチ★

We got to visit Rinku's house today! Rinku&I helped to fix the salad and Rinku's mom made us yummy pasta just like restaurant:) We had a fun & relaxed indoor play today:) Love, Miyu


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Love being in the water! お水の中きもちい~~♪

Felt sooooooooo good in the water since it was such a nice day! I was getting better by playing with the big waves with Rinkun's mama & mom. I even helped Rinkun from getting completely wiped out!! Oh, BTW though I was sleeping in the car , papa saw Will Smith on our way back home!! Love, Miyu


Malibu Beach! マリブビーチ★

Rinku's family and our family got together at Paradise Cove in Malibu! This is the place I came with Ya-tan when I was 2.5 years old and Brigitte was few weeks old. We enjoyed playing with sand mixed with water from the ocean! Love, Miyu


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The beach & park! 海と公園★

Since today was hot, we played a little in the water, but I had some cut on my toe and hurting... so couldn't stay long. After playing in the water, we went up to the park right next to the beach and rode bike!! What a nice day to be out! Love, Miyu


Sunday, June 19, 2011

For my wonderful papa! 大好きなパパのために。。!

Happy Father's day! We spoiled him with bloodymary in the morning, and then to shoe shopping ( got two paris), then to his favorite Persian restaurant!! He looked so happy!! Love, Miyu


Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Diploma! 終了証書♪ 

Look, I got my deploma from Suika Preschool!! Bella, thanks for coming! Love, Miyu


After Party! 謝恩会★

After the long celemony, we had a fun lunch party!!! We were so relaxed and enjoyed all afternoon!! Love, Miyu


Part 2 continue... 第2部の続き。。。


We gave a short thank you speech, then sang "We're all friends", then sang "We're glad to meet you" with sign language! We were able to do all with loud and clear with confidence! Love, Miyu

My Graduation Part 2! 卒園式第2部☆

We were called one by one and enter the room by walking through aisle after taking a roll at the enterence.


Then we were waiting everyone to be called & seated. I was right next to Sophia:)


Then called one by one to the stage to get a deploma from my teacher Miss Tomomi! I was very nervous, but happy!


Now I'm graduated from Suika Preschool!!! Love, Miyu


My Graduation part 1! 卒園式第1部★

Today was my graduation at Suika! At first, we did the same play that we did yesterday once again! It was much smoother as this was our second time:) Apple class from Suika in Parlos Verdes did their dance also! Love, Miyu


Friday, June 17, 2011

Playdate with Sophia! ソフィアちゃんとプレイデート☆

Finally, I got to play with Sophia! We normally go to school till 4 pm, but today was the half day. We had so much fun eating lunch together and played a lot! Love, Miyu


Singing with Sign Language! 手話で合唱!

Then, we sang "Glad to meet you!" with sign language also! It was difficult, but practiced many many times! We made many audiance cry! Well, tomorrow's graduation would be much touchier! Love, Miyu
