Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun & Quick day! 楽しい時間はあっという間だね♪

When we are having so much fun, time flies so quick! We had fun & yummy blunch papa & mama made and relaxed in the morning. Then, went to Manhattan Beach for jogging and walking around. Then played at home while all of them took turn to went for massage. Finally, went out for dinner at newly open Kula sushi restaurant! It was so sad to say bye.... guess what? They are going to Las Vegas where they can play some more poker!! I wanna go with them, too! Love, Miyu


Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm all in! オールイン☆

I was so happy that papa's friend Masaru & Ryoko visited us from San Francisco! Since they tried to let me involve for everything, I had a great time with them till midnight!! Masa even let me play poker with them! Though Masa & I are lucky team and doing so well at first, Papa won in the end. Papa's friend as well as Mama's friend also joined by us for poker game and we all had a blast! Love, Miyu


Japanese Morning Glory! 朝顔の種まき☆

Finally, giving them some water!! Can't wait to see them grow! Love, Miyu

Cover the hole and make them flat.


Got some seeds for Japanese Morning Glory from 2nd grader at Asahi school. Ready to plan them!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Rinku's B-day Party! りんく君のお誕生日会☆

Happy B-day, Rinku!! Since Rinku likes me, I was also invited to Brigitte's friend, Rinku's b-day party at Scooter's jungle! I played with everyone, especially Rinku! Love, Miyu


Twins(Triplet) Day! 双子(いや三つ子)ちゃんデー!

Today is the "Twin Day" when we can match up how we dress with anyone you like! Keira, Aubrey and I dressed the same ( White T & Jeans) and made same pig tail braids~~!! Yes, we are triplet for a day! Love, Miyu


Thursday, May 24, 2012

And.. Great Friends!! そして、大好きなお友達達☆

We performed three songs with sign laungages ( 1. Each Of us in a flower, 2.THe word is a Rainbow and 3. God bless the USA ). I sure made mom tears.... I caught her!! I made such good friends - my closest friends are Keira, Aubrey and Alexia!! Love, Miyu


It's almost end of the school with Mrs. Kastner! 大好きなキャスナー先生とももうすぐお別れ♪

Tonight was "Back to school Night" and all family were invited to our class room to show all the works/projects we've done throughout this year!! I love my teacher Mrs. Kastner sooooooo much!! I'm gonna miss her as she is moving to the different school for this new year. Thanks to her, I've learned so much and was able to enjoy my first year at Edison! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Avery is always my best friend! エーブリーはずっと親友だよ!

Both Avery & I love climbing tree! Every park we go, we look for the tree to climb up!! Sometime it is easy to go up, but don't know how to get down...:(!! BTW, we still meet every Tuesday after school for playdate at different park! No matter how many new friends I meet at school, Avery is always my best friend! Love, Miyu


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Impressed papa & mama a big time! ママもパパもびっくり☆

Today was a parent's day when parents observe their children in school. They were so impressed with me! First, papa & mama were so impressed how well I do in the class and how proudly I raise my hand for every questions my teacher asked. Then, they were so surprised that I can do a jump rope for many times forward and backward! I was so happy since both papa & Mama were so happy and gave me lots of compliments! Love, Miyu


Friday, May 18, 2012

Love long bath time! 長湯だ~いすき★

Whenever we were taking bath with our friend, we tend to stay in bath tub for a long long time!! Since Yui was over tonight, we enjoyed our long bath time!! Love, Miyu


Monday, May 14, 2012

Girl Scouts Potluck Party! ガールスカウトのポットラックパーティ☆

Our girl scount team "Daisy" had a party today! Mom made California rolls again, and it was everyone's favorite! Though she rolled 8 of them, all were gone quickly! We got more patches for saving light, and leaning how to be a strong & courageous today so mom can add them on to my vest! I love learning about life study (other than educations that I learn at school )! Love, Miyu

今日は私達デイジーグループのポットラックパーティがあったんだ。ママがまたカリフォルニアロール作ったんだけどすごいみんなの注目の的だったよお。8本作って全部売り切れー♪ 今日も節電のパッチ、そして強さ&勇気のパッチをもらったからまたベストにつけてもらうんだあ。色んなことお勉強できて(学校で習わない人生勉強?)楽しいよ。未愉

Sunday, May 13, 2012

World's Best Mom! 世界で一番素敵なママ☆

Happy Mother's Day!! I love mom because so many reasons, so I made an article about mom!! We took care of mom all day long and let her NOT do any house work today! We cooked Breakfast, took her out for lunch and order food for dinner!! We let her go enjoy her afternoon alone too! Hope she enjoyed her special day! Love, Miyu
ハッピーマザーズデー♪ ママが大好き。何故って。。?いっぱい理由があるからそれを記事にした新聞をつくったんだあ。ママすっごい気に入ってくれたよ!そして、今日は一日ママには家事をさせないでゆっくりさせてあげたの。朝ごはんは作ってあげて、お昼はお外で、夜もデリバリーにしたんだ。午後にはゆっくりママ一人の時間を過ごさせてあげたんだ。ママ喜んでくれたと思うよ!未愉

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fun Surprise aftar Sat. school! 土曜日学校後の楽しいサプライズ★

I love having a great & fun plan after my Saturday school! Today, Coen & his family came over for dinner & playdate! We always get along! Come to think of it, he was my very first friend that I met when we were only 6 months old! We played till 10 pm, and had so much fun!! Of course, dinner that mom prepared was great, too! We had Shubu 2, California Roll and Warabimochi! Love, Miyu

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fun Friday at Madison's b-day party! 金曜日の夜は楽しいマディスンのお誕生日会☆

We had a blast at Madison's birthday party at  Chcuk E Cheese! Though it was the evening party, I still got lots of energy! Love, Miyu
