Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter! ハッピーイースター★

We went over to Avery's for Easter lunch & Egg hunting! As always, Leah fixed us delicious lunch!! We all collected lots of eggs and fun opining them up to see what's inside! We were happy to take a bath together and stayed up bit later though it was a school nigh! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Younger Boy friend? 年下のボーイフレンド?

We had "daddy & kids day" today! Papa took a day off to took us to the Magic Mountain!  Trevor's oldest son who is one year younger than me was all over me:) He told his mom that I'm his new girl friend...!! Hehehe...  We all got along so well and played all day at the park, and then swimming at their house in the evening!  Love, Miyu
