Thursday, November 29, 2007

Coen's new brother! Coenの新しい弟♪

Congratulations to Lisa, Dante & Coen! Coen's new brother Vaughn is here!! He looks like Coen:)
Love, Miyu

Lisa, Dante, Coenおめでとう!Coen の弟Vaughn生まれたよー!Coenに似てる! 未愉

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The last Night - Fireworks!  最終日ー花火☆

We were lucky that we happened stay at the hotel (the last day) when they were having a special fireworks! It was beautiful and also had fun drinking "virgin "Margarita!!
Love, Miyu

たまたまこのホテルに滞在している最終日に、メキシコの何かの日のお祝いで花火を上げてくれてラッキーだったよ。花火もきれいだったし、”お酒なし”のマルガリータもおいちかった♪ 未愉

Day 3 - Reception part #2! 3日目ー披露宴パート2!

It was sweet of Fernando's parents to organize a special reception part #2 at their house:)!
Good food, good entertainment!!! I danced Salsa w/ Mama! Love, Miyu
Fernando の優しく素敵な両親が開いてくれた披露宴パート2!ご飯もおいしかったし、ダンスなど愉しいこといっぱいだったよ!ママとサルサ踊ったの! 未愉

Day 3 - At the private beach! 3日目ープライベートの海で!

I got to hang out at this private beach at the hotel (Only hotel guests can use this beach!).
I had fun running around the sand. Love, Miyu

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 2 - At the reception! 2日目ー披露宴で♪

The reception right next to the water was gorgeous and fun, but it was a quite bit of experience after we got hit by a huge storm with heavy rain & strong wind!!! We were freezing!!! (Papa was ok with lots of drinks! hahaha)
Love, Miyu


Day 2 - Fernando & Sara's Wedding! 2日目ーFernando&Saraの結婚式☆

Fernando & Sara looked really happy together! Papa was the one of his groomsman and escorted his cousin! Love, Miyu


Friday, November 23, 2007

Day 1 - Pool & Dinner Time! 一日目ープールと夕食!

Back to hotel, I swam a lot and ate alot! Love, Miyu

Day 1 - Stop at the tiny island 一日目ー小さな島で。

At this small island, I played with sand, and mama & papa went on this crazy banana ride and got wiped off!! Love, Miyu

Day 1 - Cruise Ship! 一日目ークルーズ

The very 1st day, we all enjoyed crusing ocean with a private boat (and eventually transfered to the tiny boat to the island)!
I had fun and felt so comfortable to take a nap!
Love, Miyu


Family Trip to Mazatlan! マザトラン(メキシコ)旅行♪

Here I'm in Mazatlan, Mexico! We came here to attend papa's friend wedding, also family vacation!
Our room in the hotel was facing to the water and were able to hear the wave. Love, Miyu

マザトラン、メキシコに来たよー!パパのお友達の結婚式のためと家族旅行で! 海のまん前のホテルでお部屋から波音が聞こえたんだよー☆

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Good climber! 登るの得意!

I love climbing on to everything! Love, Miyu

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's getting cold! 寒くなったねー。

It's getting cold in the morning, but warm during the day most of the time:) Though it's cold, I still love to go outside to run around & play! Love, Miyu

寒くなったねー。でも、昼間は大抵あったかいよー! 寒くたって、お外で元気に遊んで、走り回るの大好き☆ 未愉

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Miyu & Bella:)  未愉とべラ☆

Smile! Cheese!! We are trying to learn "Smile" and "Cheese" to the camera! Love, Miyu

笑って!はい、チーズ!カメラにむかっていい顔する練習中! 未愉