Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hi, Deers! こんにちは、鹿さん!

We went to the Nara Park to meet deers! Everyone was really surprised how I approched to them and touched them without any fear.
I did really wanna get on the deer, but uncle Mako said that it would be dangerous! Love, Miyu

今日は鹿を見に奈良公園に行きました。未愉がちっとも怖がらず鹿さんによって行き触ってるのをみんなは驚いてみてたの!本当は、鹿さんの上に乗りたかったけど、マコおじさんが危ないって降ろしてくれたの。 未愉

Monday, April 23, 2007

Kids Place at the Hankyu Department Store! 阪急子供広場で☆

I got to spend some more fun time with great grandpa & ma! They took me to the kids place at the Hankyu Departement store. I had fun! I love toys, but great grandpa&ma even more! Love, Miyu
またまた、ひいおじいちゃん&おばあちゃんと遊べたの☆ 阪急百貨店の子供広場に連れて行ってくれたの。楽しく遊んだよー!おもちゃも大好きだけどひいおじいちゃん&おばあちゃんもっと大好き♪ 未愉

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Seesaw ride! シーソー♪

Wow~! I've found another favorite besides a slide & swing! It was so much fun to ride and go up & down. I loved when O-pa & mama pushed so hard, but Ya-tan was scared! hehehe Love, Miyu
わあああー、滑り台&ブランコ以外にもおもしろいの見っけー!シーソーに乗って上に下にピョンx2たのしかったああー!オーパとママが思いっきり動かしてくれてすっごい楽しかったけどヤータンはこわがってたの(笑) 未愉

At the flower garden! お花畑で☆

We went to the huge park with lots of playgrounds and this pretty flower garden! I got to chease birds, too:)
It was such a nice & warm day! Love, Miyu

Visited great grandma! ひいおばあちゃんに会いに!

Visited great grandpa also! There I found a cute puppy doll!!! Love,Miyu

ひいおばあちゃんにも会いに行ったの!そこで、かわいい犬のぬいぐるみ見つけちゃったー☆ 未愉

From Japan! 日本から☆

Here I'm, back in Japan! Since today was Saturday, I got to spend all day with O-pa(grandpa) and Ya-tan (grandma)! Love, Miyu

またまた、日本に来たよおー!早速、今日は土曜日だったのでオーパ(おじいちゃん)とヤータン(おばあちゃん)と一日過ごしたの♪ 未愉

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Movie Star?! ムービースター?

Check me out! I got this cool sunglasses as a party fevor!
Don't I look a movie star, do I? Love, Miyu

見て、見て~~!お誕生日会のお返しにこのグラサンもらったの!ムービースター見たいでしょ? 未愉

Who's B-day party is this? 一体誰のお誕生日会?

Well, I went to Dylan's b-day party first place. Then, I celebrated Dante's (Coen's Dad)b-day also. And.. when we're opening presents, I was the b-day girl?!!? ( at least I wished!!)hehehe Love, Miyu


Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter in Mammoth Lake! マンモス山で迎えたイースター☆

First time in my life, I get to see/touch the snow!! Next year, I'll be taking ski lesson! Can't wait:)
Love, Miyu
生まれて初めて雪を見てさわったよおおー♪ 来年にはスキーレッスンするんだあ☆ 楽しみ。

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Gold Fishes in my pink egg! ピンクの卵の中にはお魚スナック☆

Hehehe.. I figured out how to open eggs by myself!
And, I found gold fishes in my pink one. Yummy~! Love, Miyu

Easter Egg Hunt! イースターおもちゃの卵拾い♪

We had easter potluck & egg hunt today!
I got to pick some eggs with treats in it and placed them into my basket! Can't wait to find out what's in it!! Love, Miyu
今日、イースターのパーテイがあったの!お菓子が詰まった卵をいっぱい拾って私のカゴに入れたよ!中に何が入ってるのか楽しみだな~♪ 未愉

Monday, April 02, 2007

Bath time with Bella! Bellaと一緒にお風呂!

Bath time is my favorite, and it was even better to take a bath with my friend, Bella! We had so much fun!!! Splashed each other !! Love, Miyu
お風呂だーい好きの私!お友達と一緒に入るのはもっともっと楽しかったよ♪ パシャx2お湯のかけあいっこしたよーーーーーー☆ 未愉

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another B-day Party!  またまたお誕生日会★☆

This time was Jake's b-day party. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take a photo with him:( But, as you can see, I had a blast!
Love, Miyu