Sunday, August 31, 2014

Swimming in the deep lake! 深い湖で水泳♪

In the afternoon, big kids hiked father down for more adventure!  We found much deeper lake and swam for a long time though the water was freezing!!  After the long day, we relaxed by the fire at night!  Love, Miyu


What a shallow lake! 浅い湖?!

In the morning, we went to the sallow lake ( Not much water like last year...) and enjoyed a bit!  We were disappointed that we couldn't do the paddle boat like last year.  We had a great time though! Love, Miyu


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fun Camping! 今度は楽しいキャンプ☆

Yes! As soon as we came back to LA, we headed up north for camping! Since Ya-tan & O-pa were with us, Brigitte and I got to ride with Avery & Finley!  We were so happy that Ya-tan & O-pa were able to join us! Ya-tan & Mama made yummy Curry for the first night and everyone was so happy! Love, Miyu


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Good Bye Niagara Falls! バイバイ、ナイアガラ。。。

Though we wanted to stay longer, it's time for us to go back to LA. The good news is that Ya-tan & O-pa are still with us!! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Evening fun! 夜も楽しく!

We got to played at the pool, and was able to eat at the restaurant where we can see the falls ( Can you see the colorful water behind of me?) . And guess what? They threw another fireworks on that night too!  And more!! Yes, we got on Sky wheel that went by 4 times and got to see falls from the sky.  Then, played miniature golf till 2 am!! Fun night! Love, Miyu

ホテルのプールでも泳げたし、またまたナイアガラの滝を見ながら夕飯もたべれたんだあ。(見える?私の後ろのカラフルにライトアップされてる滝!)この夜もまたまた花火が打ち上げられたの。そしてもっともっと!4回も回ってくれる大観覧車に乗って空から滝を眺めた後は夜中の2時までパターゴルフで遊んじゃった!楽しかったあ~! 未愉

Fun day at Niagara On the Fall! ナイアガラオンザレイクの町で楽しい一日☆

We went to Niagara On The Lake! Stopped few winery then, walk around the cute town! Yes, we got to eat Canada's Best Ice Cream Cows, too!  I was happy to find the cute hat since I lost my favorite one yesterday, too! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Still enjoying falls! まだまだナイアガラの滝を満喫してるよ!

Night view & Falls looking from the top of Skylon tower were both spectacular! Food was wonderful and we had such a great time together.  What a fun & happy day! Love, Miyu

夜景も、スカイロンタワーの上から見下ろす滝も最高だったよお。 ご飯もおいしかったし、本当に楽しかったよね~。幸せな一日でしたー。未愉

Lunch with falls! 滝を眺めてランチ☆

We just didn't sick of watching them all day long!  We ate lunch at the restaurant that was located right next to the falls.  So beautiful!!! Love, Miyu


From the side & Under! 真横からも、下からも!

We walked right next to them, and then going under the falls! We enjoyed watching them and listening to the sound of the falls so much! Love, Miyu


Niagara Falls!! ナイアガラの滝☆

Wow Wow!!! We were just keep repeating "Wow"!!  It was just so amazing, beautiful, breast name it!! It was so much better than what we saw on the picture!!! First, we got to wear red raincoats, and hopped onto the boat that take near by the falls and got splashed!! Fun Fun start of the day 1! Love, Miyu

すっご~~い!「すごいね~」の連発でした。 本当にキレイで、迫力があってずっと見ていても飽きないんだよ。写真で見るより断然よかったよ。今朝一番は、レインコートを着てボートに乗り滝の真近くまでいくツアーに参加したの。ビショビショになったけどすっごく迫力があってよかったよ。未愉