Friday, April 17, 2015

Mom's T-shirt! ママのティーシャツ☆

Since we had to wear green t-shirt this year, but couldn't really find green at store, I bought blueish green & yellowish green one. In the morning, I started thinking that I really wanna wear green, so took mom's!! It was kinda big, but no problem, right?! Love, Miyu


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sleepover at Alexia's! アレキシア宅にお泊り☆

I went over Alexia for sleepover and her parents took us to the fair! It was fun!! Love, Miyu


Thursday, April 09, 2015

Good bye Carnival Imagination! バイバイ、カーニバルイマジネーション!!

What a great cruise! We had a blast 5 days!! It was sad to end... but ready to go back home!! We had such a wonderful spring break! Love, Miyu


Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Relaxing on the ship at the last day! 最後の日は船で一日エンジョイ!

At last day, we enjoyed activities on the ship all day long! More swimming and miniature golf, too! We had escargot for dinner! Did I like it?? .... no comment! And of course, I had Shrimp cocktail all 4 nights in low!! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Ensenada Mexico! メキシコ、エンセナダ☆

Our ship took us to Ensenada Mexico today! We got off the ship and hopped on the tour bus. It took us to the shopping area. Though we wanted to walk around more, there was the time limit which was the bad idea...:( Next time if there will be!! hehehe... Love, Miyu


Monday, April 06, 2015

Bingo! ビンゴ~~!

We had fun dinner and guess what I got to play & win? Bingo, it is!!! We were so excited! Love, Miyu


Back in Catalina Island! 2度目のカタリナ島!

As per Papa & Mama, I was here when I was only 8 months old! Since there wasn't much to do here, we went back to the boat for more swimming!! Love, Miyu

パパとママが教えてくれたんだけど、私がたった8ヶ月の頃ここへ、連れてきてくれたんだって。もちろん、覚えてないけどね。。。笑 ここでは、あんまり遊べそうじゃあなかったから、またボートに戻ってプールで遊んだよ~~。未愉

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Shrimp Cocktail! シュリンプカクテル☆

I can order any appetizers from the menu? YES!! Of course, I'll start off shrimp cocktails!! Yummy! Love, Miyu

メニューの中から何選んでもいいの~~!?ヤッター。じゃあ、前菜はシュリンプカクテルからね。う~~ん、おいし☆ 未愉

Water time! at the deck! 船の屋上でプールタイム!

First, I was swimming and relaxed in Jacuzzi.. then went to the big water slide!! Boy, it was fun!! Love, Miyu

最初は、ゆっくり泳いでジャグジでリラックス。その後、大きなウォータースライドに挑戦!楽しすぎ~~♪ 未愉

Surprise Cruise trip!! サプライズクルーズ旅行☆

OMG!! Papa & Mama surprised us big time! Yes, we'll be going to the cruise!! What is better, we get to go with Isabella and her family!!  So excited! Love, Miyu

本当に~~?!?!パパとママがサプライズでこれからクルーズに行くよと驚かせてくれました。なんと、イザベラの家族と一緒にだよー。すっごく楽しみ♪ 未愉

Saturday, April 04, 2015

I'm in 4-1 !! 4年一組になりましたっ!

Yes, I'm in the class #1 once again! Our teacher, Ms. Iwaki seems very nice too!!  After Asahi school, Kanako took us to gyukaku and we sure enjoyed beef tongue! We enjoyed our Saturday night with Karaoke at home, too! Love, Miyu

4年生になったよ!またまた1組で~~す(1年からずっと1組)担任の岩城先生はとっても優しそうだよお。あさひ学園が終わったら、かなちゃんが牛角へつれて行ってくれていっぱいタン食べたよ~~。おうちに帰って遅くまでカラオケもして楽しかったよね~~☆ 未愉