Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mika & Misaki's 7th Birthday party! みか&みさきちゃんの7歳のお誕生日会☆

Thanks Mika & Misaki for including me!! I was so happy to get invited to Brigitte's friends birthday party! What was better, it was at the art place called "Art Zone"! I kept busy making many things! Love, Miyu


Friday, February 20, 2015

Avery's birthday party! エーブリーのお誕生日会☆

Happy Birthday, Avery!! Yes, the same lady who bring us many reptile animals are here at Avery's house and we get to touch and play with them! Well.. I was a bit scared at first, but I'm kinda used to... have to since I'm Avery's BFF, hehehe...! Love, Miyu

エーブリー、お誕生日おめでとう!そーなの、また色んな種類の爬虫類を持ってきてる人を招待してパーティをしたんだあ。最初はちょっと怖かったけど、かなり慣れてきたよー。そりゃー、爬虫類好きの親友を持つ私だからね。。。苦笑 未愉

Monday, February 16, 2015

Great surprises! 素敵なサプライズが2つも!

What a  great surprise! Mom didn't tell me, but I got to spend afternoon with Coen at the park, then to Avery's house to visit her new dog Flo for the first time! What a wonderful day!! Thank you Mom! Love, Miyu


Sunday, February 15, 2015

My own board and boots! 私のボードとブーツ!

Guess what?? Yes, papa & mama bought me my own snow board and boots!! At first, I'm acting cool....

Then my big smile came!! Yes, I'm happy!
Love, Miyu


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's day! バレンタインデー☆ 

Happy Valentine's day! Papa did a wonderful job cooking yummy dinner for us!! We loved every single dishes he made! As for desert, he made Tiramisu that was so yummy for mom only, hehe... (We enjoyed the fresh strawberries!) It was nice to relax at home!! Love Miyu

今日はバレンタイン!パパがまた一生懸命メニューを考えてくれてすっごく豪華なコース料理作ってくれたの。デザートももちろん手作りのティラミス!ママだけ喜んで食べてたよ。私達はイチゴいっぱいたべれて満足でしたー笑 未愉

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's card! バレンタインカード☆

Made a cute card for Mrs. Hughes and mom baked Chocolate chip cookies for her!! I do have someone I wanna give my heart, but still so shy.... so next time! Love, Miyu


Monday, February 09, 2015

Ice Skating with Isabella! イザベラとアイススケート☆

Guess what? I was snowboarding yesterday, and ice skating today! I had so much fun skating too!  Coincidentally, I saw Keira there, too! Love, Miyu


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Getting better and better! またまた上達中!

Our 2nd trip to Big Bear Mt.! 今年2度目のスノボー☆

Finally we are fully recovered from Flu, so took a day trip to Big Bear Mountain! Today was so warm & sunny so easier to snowboard!  We had a blast! Love, Miyu


Friday, February 06, 2015

Thanks to the rain! 雨のお陰で。。!

Thanks to the rain, our international parade at school was postponed till today from last Friday when we were flu!!  I was happy to wear my favorite Yukata! Mrs. Hugh complimented me! Love, Miyu


Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Eho Roll we made mama buy! ママがしぶしぶ買った恵方巻き☆

Mama always make everything!! She really wanted to make Eho Roll this year also, but we made her buy as she's just recovered from Flu.  It was as good as what you make, mama!  I was laughing hard to threw many soy beans out from the house, and only one into the house ('cz we didn't want Lucky to eat!).  We picked everything carefully and Lucky helped a bit!! Love, Miyu


Sunday, February 01, 2015

Keira's Party! キーラのお誕生日会☆

Happy Birthday, Keira! She turned 9 just like me! I painted "money bank" at Color Me mine! It was such a fun party!! Love, Miyu
