Can I borrow your camera? I wanna take some pictures, too!!Love, Miyuカメラ貸して、貸して!私も写真撮りたいよー!未愉
This is my way of hugging! I'm hugging my tigger! Love, Miyu何してるか分かる?テガーをギュッと抱きしめてるの!!未愉
Check this out! I'm on my scoter now! I guess I don't need walker much as I'm pretty much walking by own now! Love, Miyu見てー、私のバイク!ほとんど自分で歩けるようになったから歩行器は卒業しましたー!未愉

Thanks for inviting me to your b-day party! It was fun, and I'm glad that you got many presents and yummy cake! Love, Miyuお誕生日会招待してくれてありがとー☆ とっても楽しかったよ。ミアちゃんもたくさんプレゼントもらえたしおいしいケーキ食べれてよかったね!未愉

It was such a cold
day, but can't miss my playtime at the park! I need to get out at least once a day!! Love, Miyu今日はとっても寒かったけど、公園遊びはミスできないよ!一日一度はお外で遊ばなきゃ☆ 未愉
I guess that I felt asleep during my lunch time..... , and it was the first time ever I felt asleep in my chair. Well, I was so tired as I didn't take any nap in the morning since I got up at 7 am. Love, Miyuお昼ごはん中に眠ってしまったの!台所のいすで寝たの初めてだったの。。。だって、朝7時に起きてから一度もお昼ねしなかったんだもんっ☆ 未愉