Having more fun with grandma Debbie this morning! Well, thanks to papa & mama, I was able to go back to her house again to see her! (Unfortunately, grandpa Dan & Auntie Jen weren't home..) Love, Miyu
Grandma Debbie とまた朝会って愉しい時を過ごしたの。私が何度も会いたいって言うとパパ&ママがまた次の日連れて行ってくれたの。 Grandpa Dan とJenおばさんが留守だったのは残念だったけど。。未愉
Finally, I got to meet & play with Cousin Lucy!! She is soooooooooooo cute and we had a blast chasing & sharing toys?! Of course, I was also so excited to see grandpa Dan, Grndma Debbie, Uncle Scotty & Auntie Ashley! Love, Miyu
My first sport event at preschool! I got so nurvous as so many people were watching.... I had fun dancing with papa, attending game race with mama and run by myself!
Got to attend Easter Event at the mall with everyone! I got to wear bunny ears and sang & danced together with my friends:) Since today was Coen's b-day, we all went out for dinner afterwards, too! Love, Miyu
Papa & Mama made my room sooooooooo cute! Have someone did mural paint with Mickey charactors in my bedroom & finding Nemo in the bathroom! They also organize room so that I can share with my sister or brother coming in 3 months! Love, Miyu
Thanks to papa's friend, we were abele to visit Disneyland at the free of charge! It was such a beautiful day!! Love, Miyu パパのお友達のおかげでタダでデズニーランドに行けたの!とっても、暖かくいいお天気だったよお。未愉