Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm having Fun! 楽しんでいるの♪

It was fun to play at the kids room at the local bread store! But.. of course my favorite toy is the cellphone! Love, Miyu

近所のパン屋さんの子供の遊び場で遊んだんだけどたのしかったよ♪ でも、もちろん私の一番大好きなおもちゃは携帯電話☆ 未愉


Sotelo said...

Hello Miyu? are you there? I love cellphones too! when you and I learn to talk I will call you to say hi!
Love Savannah ; )

MIYU said...


Thank you! Yes, I'm having fun time here in Japan though I miss daddy.....>_<


Hi, Savannah! Sounds great! Let's chat once we'll have a 'real' cell phone!!

Love, Miyu