Saturday, June 23, 2012

My New Friend, Hikari! 新しいお友達、ひかりちゃん!

Hikari whom I met at Asahi that I've been going every Saturday since April and I get along so well! Since we can only get to see each other once a week, we invited her & her family to our house for dinner after school! We drew together, and did jump rope as as always and had a blast! When we are having a good time, time flies so quickly! By the time we finished dinner & desert, we started asking papa & mama if she can sleep over tonight. Thought it was out of blue, both papa & mama said yes! We were so happy!! We continued play with Wii dance & watch some TV till 11:30 pm. By the time we went to bed, we felt asleep quicly!! Love, Miyu

4月から通ってる土曜日の補習校、あさひ学園で知り合ったひかりちゃんとはとっても仲良し♪ 週に一度しか会わないからもっと遊びたくって今日は学校が終わった後、うちに来てもらうことに~!一緒にお絵かきしたり大好きな縄跳びしたり時間がたつのはあっというま。夕飯を食べてデザートを食べた頃、お泊りのお話が!お願い~~とパパ&ママにおねだり。急だったけどオッケー!うれしかったあ。夜はそのまま大はしゃぎ。WiiでダンスしたりTVみたり結局11時半ごろまで騒いで疲れ果ててぐっすりねむったよ。未愉

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